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Lily Low Skincare began its journey in 2020, when a young lady named Jasmine decided to try her hand at selling her handmade body butters. She named her business Lily, after both of her grandmothers, through whom Jasmine learned humility, strength, kindness, compassion and persistence. She also named her business Low, the last name of her husband who has been her biggest supporter and who is often her test subject due to his severe eczema.
Jasmine’s decision to branch out to skincare stemmed from the allergic reactions she had experienced throughout her life, caused by fragrances in skincare products resulting in dry, itchy, scaly, burning skin that would last for weeks. She was determined to help those with sensitive skin like her own by providing them handmade, carefully crafted skincare products that they could feel safe using. Jasmine is motivated foremost by the thought of improving the lives of people, and nothing makes her happier than seeing happiness on the faces of those who use her products. She therefore decided to forego maximizing profits to give her customers the safest and most luxurious skincare products possible at a price they could afford.
After completing three online cosmetic formulation courses, Jasmine spent the last four years exploring ingredients, researching skin conditions, formulating skincare products as well as testing them out. There were trials and errors aplenty, but her formulations kept getting better and better, much to the delight of her friends and her husband who had the good fortune to experience them. In 2024, Jasmine finally, truly, felt that her products were ready for release. We welcome you to try what Lily Low Skincare has to offer, and we sincerely aim to help you feel more confident in your own skin.
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